How AI is Transforming Reality Capture

John Dutton
May 31, 2023

AI is already playing a significant role in transforming reality capture processes, and will undoubtedly continue to drive advancements in this field. Here are some ways in which AI is likely to influence reality capture:

  1. Automated Data Processing: AI algorithms can analyze vast quantities of data that has been captured from various sources, such as images, videos, and LiDAR scans, to automatically process and extract meaningful information. This streamlines the data processing pipeline, saving time and effort for humans involved in the process who have, until now, had to manually de-noise and register LiDAR scans together.
  2. Improved Accuracy and Efficiency: AI can enhance the accuracy and efficiency of reality capture techniques. For example, computer vision algorithms can identify and rectify distortions or errors in captured images, leading to more accurate representations of reality. AI-powered algorithms can also automatically stitch together multiple images or scans to create comprehensive and detailed 3D models.
  3. Real-time Feedback and Quality Control: AI algorithms will provide real-time feedback during the reality capture process, to ensure that captured data meets the desired quality standards. For instance, AI can alert operators if there are gaps or errors in the data, allowing for immediate adjustments and re-capture if necessary.
  4. Object Recognition and Semantic Understanding: AI can facilitate the recognition and understanding of objects within captured data. By applying deep learning techniques, AI algorithms can identify and classify objects, such as buildings, vegetation, or road infrastructure, automatically. This enables more efficient extraction of information and better understanding of the captured reality.
  5. Enhanced Data Analysis and Insights: AI can unlock valuable insights from captured reality data. By applying machine learning and data analytics techniques, AI algorithms can analyze large-scale reality capture datasets to identify patterns, trends, or anomalies. This can aid in decision-making processes, urban planning, infrastructure maintenance, and other applications.
  6. Accessibility and Affordability: As AI technologies advance and become more accessible, reality capture tools powered by AI are likely to become more affordable and easier to use. This democratization of technology can empower more individuals and organizations to leverage reality capture for various purposes, from architecture and construction to gaming and entertainment.

At Manifold, we pride ourselves on being pioneers in leveraging AI to enhance reality capture. Our advanced techniques optimize and align scan data seamlessly in the cloud. We believe that the recent inclusion of LiDAR sensors in Apple's Pro series of iPhones and iPads is a groundbreaking development that democratizes access to 3D data. This game-changing addition opens up new possibilities for a wider range of users.